...with the smallest house. A few year ago this house was for rent, but we already had an apartment and a contract with that apartment. And the house was being remodeled so we didn't look at it.
Blue and I like apartment living. We love the freedom and lack of responsibility (should something break or the sewer back-up or such).
every now and then we look online for houses for sale, just for fun.
So I was looking on craigslist, and I found this little house. The one that was for sale a few years back. I clicked on the link to go to cbbain.com to get more info and...
It's 690 sq ft! 2 bedroom/1 bath. But 690?!? That's like 400 sq ft less than our apartment right now!
Here's the thing.
It is across the street, behind my parents house.
The only thing standing in the way of Baby going to see her grandparents is a dirt road and a small yard. My parents would need to put a gate in the back fence, that is all.
Blue and I have always talked about living a minimalistic life. Less stuff=less clutter! Love it!
Plus, this summer, while Baby was visiting, I realized... She never plays in her room alone. We have acquired all of this stuff that she doesn't even look at. What does she play with, you may ask... Craft stuff... but only if Blue or I craft with her.
Well, there are two things she takes places.
1. Fleenor Bear: a Teddy bear Blue and I got for Baby at build-a-bear right before we moved out to WA from IN. It has recordings in each hand. One from me and one from Blue. Fleenor Bear travels with her. He always goes with her. He gets packed in her carry on when she flies between houses. He is the always consistent. She may not play with him all the time, but he is always on her bed, wherever that may be.
2. A water baby: We got one for her when she was really little and recently on a trip to Colville, she lost it on the beach. She was devastated. So for her birthday last year her Uncle Ben and
Aunt Selina got her a new one. She swims with it, bathes with it, sleeps with it, takes it to the store, everything. All the things she did with her last one. The only difference is that this one doesn't have a swim suit, so it runs around naked often.
Baby doesn't need as much space in a room as I had originally thought. A small house would be okay.
So. I don't even know if we would get pre-approved for a home loan. A few years ago we paid off everything that we owed except the 401K loan. Little did I know that my amazing credit score would go down for paying it all off... such a stupid thing... you pay your debts and your credit score goes down. Lame. And Blue doesn't have any credit.
And we don't have a down payment to help the situation...
But, I want the house. We would have to give up tons of stuff... That makes me so excited!
church has a yard sale this weekend. I just loaded up our truck. I have so much more to purge, but it feels amazing!
So here's the house that I like so much. It's not tons to look at, but it has the small cottage feel that I have always loved.
And if you want to see more pics you can click on here.
But first, before we do anything, we are going to pray about whether we are even supposed to pursue it. I don't want to make a move or decision without God's hand on it.
Will you pray with us?
Please ask for God's guidance.
Thank you.
(Isn't it so cute?!?)